Thursday, August 20, 2009

Task #7

I decided to sign up for a Goodreads account. This decision was made primarily because when I visited the Boulder account I looked at Stacie's page (I tried to visit Davetoe's account, because it reminded me of our own Dave Goe, and he had a baboon for a picture and I'm fond of primates, but I wasn't hip enough for access to his page) and I too wanted to take the never ending book quiz. I had a score of seventy percent after fifty questions. I'm not very well versed in Shakespeare.

I think that it would be a suitable compliment to our current site and facebook page. (Although, I also like Betsy's staff pick shelf. Wouldn't it be nifty if that was one of the perks you received when you became a regular employee? You could get three slips a month to fill out with a brief description of the book, or why you like it, or whatever short blurb you wish and you could add to that display. Plus we would get the added bonus of knowing who suggested what which I personally think would be interesting.) I probably wouldn't contribute too much to an online goodreads account (have you read my previous posts?) but a real life "good reads" shelf would be very cool.

(This post is dedicated to parenthesis.)


  1. I like your idea about the staff pick slips. Hey Betsey, we want to do this!

    (Wasn't it really the baboon that reminded you of Dave Goe?)

  2. Dear Yorick,
    It is high time you familiarized yourself with the old Bard. (Really.)

  3. Actually, we have talked about doing exactly this in several Merchandising meetings, and Shana likes the idea, but nothing has ever happened with it. Should we just do it, Nancy?
